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<br />The Black Door gapes and the Black Wall rises;<br />Twilight gasps in the grip of Night.<br />Paper and dust are the gems man prizes--<br />Torches toss in my waning sight.<br /><br />Drums of glory are lost in the ages,<br />Bare feet fail on a broken trail--<br />Let my name fade from the printed pages;<br />Dreams and visions are growing pale.<br /><br />Twilight gathers and none can save me.<br />Well and well, for I would not stay:<br />Let me speak through the stone you gave me:<br />He never could say what he wished to say.<br /><br />Why should I shrink from the sign of leaving?<br />My brain is wrapped in a darkened cloud;<br />Now in the Night are the Sisters weaving<br />For me a shroud.<br /><br />Towers shake and the stars reel under,<br />Skulls are heaped in the Devil's fane;<br />My feet are wrapped in a rolling thunder,<br />Jets of agony lance my brain.<br /><br />What of the world that I leave for ever?<br />Phantom forms in a fading sight--<br />Carry me out on the ebon river<br />Into the Night.
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